Ten things to do in your third trimester

October 09, 2019  •  22 Comments

Ten things to do in your third trimester. 

Anne Maternity-5Anne Maternity-5

So you’re past the halfway mark now and in around twelve weeks you will finally get to meet your new baby. How exciting!


This trimester is going to consist of mainly planning for your baby’s arrival and getting everything ready and prepared for your birth. 


I have created this helpful list so you can make sure it’s all covered!


  1. This is probably one of the most important jobs. Be aware of your baby’s movements. Babies tend to have their own patterns and you will have already started to notice when your baby is more active and when they are relaxing. It’s important though that any reduction in movement is discussed with your midwife or consultant as soon as possible. It is actually a myth that babies are less active in the hours leading up to labour so don’t ignore any reduction in movement. 
  2. Put together the nursery furniture, pram and anything else you’ll need once your baby has arrived. Remember though that you shouldn’t be lifting heavy items of furniture or overdoing it so this is in fact a job for your husband or partner to undertake. 
  3. While we’re talking about baby equipment, do you know how everything works? Can you fix the car seat safely into the car? Do you know how to work the steriliser or breast pump? Now is the time to be learning how to use all of these things before your baby arrives. 
  4. Create a birth plan. No don’t, births don’t always go to plan so I prefer to call this a preference list. Things to consider are: music, do you want to play music during your labour and birth, do you want to try a water birth, what pain relief would you like to try? Who will be your birthing partner? Talk to any friends or family who have recently had a baby and ask what they found helpful. 
  5. Make sure you have enough weather appropriate clothing for your baby. Think about the time of year around your due date, will it be hot, cold, in between? Start washing the clothes so they are ready for your baby to use. This gets rid of any chemicals used in the manufacturing process. 
  6. Pack you hospital bag including things for you and your baby. Not sure what to pack? Don’t worry, on next weeks blog I will be writing a handy list for you to follow. 
  7. Don’t over do it. Get plenty of rest. This is definitely easier said than done but if you can get as much rest as possible then you will be doing both you and your baby a massive favour prior to the birth as you will both have more energy during the labour if you have managed to rest well before hand. You aren’t going to get much rest once your baby arrives!
  8. Enjoy your time together as a couple, or a family if this isn’t your first baby. Welcoming a baby to the family will be one of the best things you’ll ever do, it’s such a special time. It can also be demanding and doesn’t leave much time for date nights or meals out as a couple and if you’re not a first time parent you’ll need to get used to sharing your time between all of your little ones. Cherish this time together before you begin your next chapter. 
  9. If you have children already you’ll need to make plans about their care when you go in to labour. Lots of couples who choose to have a home birth are happy for their children to be present during the birth as they want to share the experience with them. If you’d prefer not to though or if you’re having a hospital birth you’ll need to make sure arrangements are in place so that your children are cared for during your labour and birth. It’s good to have a backup plan too for this just in case. 
  10. And last but certainly not least. Have you booked your photographer? Many experienced newborn photographers in Yeovil are so popular that they are often booked up weeks in advance.  Lots of parents don’t know that they can book their photographer before their baby is born and then miss out on their first choice photographer. I usually schedule my clients in for 2-3 weeks after their due date. This is usually perfect but if baby is very late or early arriving then this can be changed as I keep a day free each week to allow for any early or late arrivals. Have you booked your newborn photographer yet?  If not then take a look at my newborn packages and then get in touch with your due date. You may even qualify for a FREE of charge maternity session

Yeovil photographerMaternity photography imagesAmbers maternity session in yeovil

Don’t forget to look out for my next blog on what to pack in your hospital bag.


My friend Amy who is a maternity newborn photographer in Whitchurch Shropshire has been writing about activities you can do with your baby once he/she has arrived. Take a look at her blog here www.newbornsbyamy.com/blog/2019/10/8/baby-classes-in-and-around-whitchurch-shropshire




Such a handy list! 'Don't over do it' is definitely important!
Amazing ideas, thanks ks for sharing this
marie myers(non-registered)
Lovely blog
So many helpful ideas! Beautiful blog and images xx
This is so handy! I hope lots of clients read this :)
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